The Burdun stonemasonry service (hereinafter: "Service") does not collect any data in an automatic manner, with the exception of the data contained in cookie files during the use of the Website. Cookie files, so-called "Cookies" are small text files sent and stored in a web browser, containing certain information related to your use of the Website.

The Burdun stonemasonry service (hereinafter: "Service") does not collect any data in an automatic manner, with the exception of the data contained in cookie files during the use of the Website. Cookie files, so-called "Cookies" are small text files sent and stored in a web browser, containing certain information related to your use of the Website.

The website uses cookies for the following purposes:

-advertising and marketing activities, also run by advertising networks cooperating with us; including providing users with advertising content adapted to their preferences, interests, demographic data (age, sex) and location;


-creating Website audience statistics and collecting information on how to use the Website in order to improve its structure and content, as well as analyze the effectiveness of advertising activities and marketing;

-website integration with external services, such as Facebook. (eg active login in the service, displaying a list of friends who like this page on Facebook, etc.)

All cookies used by our Website may be temporary or permanent. Temporary files of this type are deleted when the Website user's browser is closed, while permanent cookies are stored also after using the Website.

At any time, it is possible to block the use of cookies and delete permanent cookies using the appropriate settings available in the web browser. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways of handling cookies are usually available in the "Help" tab in the browser's menu. In case of problems, we advise you to use the browser's help file or contact the producer of the browser you use.

Blocking or limiting the use of cookies may prevent the correct use of certain functionalities available on the Website.



After telephone arrangements, we can meet in a different place and at convenient times.

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